Featured Clients
Status Details
Case statuses
Notified (e.g. an email send to user and waiting for the user response) A mail link goes out to the candidate from HR requesting for information on his Personal details, Address , Employment, Education, Reference Etc.
Not Initiated
All necessary documents and information received but initiation pending from our end.
In Progress
Verification process has started and expecting confirmation from the verifier
Relevant documents or information missing.
Duplication of cases and request from client/candidate to cancel the verification process.
Case closed with reports generated with a result( verified clear/discrepancy/unable to verify)
Package created but insufficient details would not let the Client to submit for verification. Such cases are saved as draft so the client can complete it when the required details are available.
Result status
Verified clear
The information/document’s provided by the candidate matches with the information provided by the verifier or the source of the documents provided.
Information/document’s provided by the candidate does not matches with the verifier or the source of the documents provided
Unable to verify
Verifier denies to validate the information/ Company/college/University does not exist or denies to provide information.
In Accessible
Company/College/University Does not Exist